Plugin updated 28th January 2008 - Please ensure you have the latest version installed
Democracy Poll is a plugin for b2evolution that adds a poll to your blog's sidebar. You can create and edit polls in the Tools > Democracy tab of the b2evolution backoffice. If the user has JavaScript enabled, their vote is sent without refreshing the whole page. Results can be displayed as a pie chart or as a bar graph.
Original Wordpress plugin by Andrew Sutherland
Ported to b2evolution by Danny Ferguson
Released under the CC GPL 2.0
- Uses AJAX for sending and loading the results, but is fully accessible in non-js environments
- Complete admin panel
- Support for multiple blogs.
- When someone votes, they receive a cookie with what poll they voted in and what their vote was. It also logs their IP, so the same person can't vote twice even if they delete the cookie
- Allows users to see current results without voting. Also, detects if there are no votes and announces it...
- After voting, the choice you made is highlighted.
- Automatic database table installation.
- Displays winners of each poll in the admin panel.
- Delete old polls in the admin panel.
- Edit existing polls.
- AJAX is compatible with IE 6, Safari, Firefox, and Opera. All the other browsers, and those with javascript turned off, are supported as well.
- Select an active poll.
- Allow your users to add their own choices.
- Uses the date format you set in the Options panel for the Date Added column.
- Marks which answers have been added by users, if applicable.
- Option to allow a poll's results to be displayed as a pie chart
- Has an archiving function for displaying past polls
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